how to make a bootable cd windows 7 on mac.Running Final Fantasy VII (Steam) on Mac.Final Fantasy 12 on PC delivers 60fps - but system requirements are high.Configure Controls for PCSX2 PlayStation Emulator?.If you're using a PlayStation 3 controller and have already installed all the drivers, then the 'DualShock 3 native mode' will be available and you will need to tick it. Those of you using an Xbox controller will need to select 'Xinput'. Was this step helpful? If you have a generic controller, just tick 'DirectInput'. Those of you using a custom keyboard or third-party device will need to select 'DirectInput'. Older operating systems like Windows XP will need 'Raw input' selected. Newer operating systems like Windows 10 will require you to choose 'Windows messaging'. If you're using a keyboard to play your PlayStation 2 games, you need to choose from one of these three options. You'll see the red box in the image below, where we will select our keyboard configuration type. This will open a new window where you can start customizing your keyboard, controller, or mouse.

Then, choose 'Controllers' and click once on 'Plugin Settings'.